Ice lolly - Andros Chef, professional fruit ingredients

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Ice lolly Fig & walnuts

A creation of Yoann Hasselbein

Pastry and Ice cream maker chef at the Glacier Ness in Frejus. He has been member of the French team of Gelato World Cup 2020 and wins the Senior's "Glacetronomes" Trophy this year, a French ice carver competition.



1 000 g Purple fig puree
33 g Dextrose
66 g Glucose syrup powder
5 g Stabilising agent
185 g Sucrose
375 g Water



50 g Butter
70 g Eggs
75 g Sucrose
1 g Salt
70 g Walnut powder from Périgord
20 g AP flour
3 g Baking powder
1 g Vanilla


1 300 g Whole milk
30 g Non-fat dry milk powder
240 g Dextrose
120 g Inverted sugar
250 g Mascarpone
300 g Fromage blanc 20% fat
6 g Stabilising agent


200 g Purple fig high fruit compote
10 g Macvin du Jura

Crispy walnut coating

1 000 g White couverture
200 g Cocoa butter
100 g Chopped walnuts from Périgord
sQ Purple colouring

Purple fig high fruit compote

Andros Chef frozen purple fig high fruit compote is slightly sweetened and has a high fruit content (80% fig) which allows uses in various dishes and desserts. A compote delicately blanched to keep fig’s texture with its pulp. An exclusive product in the case of a sweet fruit such as fig, far less sweet than over fig preparations, which surely will inspire Chefs with fresh ideas of food pairing. Our figs are processed in our plant in South Spain at full maturity which offers a sweet and smooth taste. Packed in 1kg flexible bag.

Discover our products range High fruit compote

Preparation steps


    Heat the water. At 25°C, add all the sugar. At 45°C add the previously mixed stabilising agent with 10% of the sucrose weight. Pasteurise at 85°C. Rapidly cool to 3°C. Leave to age for 4 hours at least then add the puree, blend and churn.


    Using a stand-mixer, whip the egg with sugar then gradually add the flour, baking powder, salt, walnut powder, vanilla and the melted butter. Pour in a square on 2mm height and bake at 180°C for 10 min.


    Heat the milk. At 25°C, add the milk powder and sugar. At 35°C, add the mascarpone. At 45°C add the previously mixed stabilising agent with 10% of the sucrose weight. Pasteurise at 85°C. Rapidly cool to 3°C. Leave to age for 4 hours at least then add the fromage blanc, blend and churn.


    Mix all ingredients, pour at 2mm thickness and freeze.


    Melt the couverture. Add the cocoa butter, coating and mix. Add the chopped walnuts before using. Use at 32°C.


    On a silpat tray of 0.6cm height, spread a layer of mascarpone ice-cream and freeze. Place a walnut biscuit then freeze again and place the fig confit. Freeze, unmold, cut out the insert to fit in the lolly tins. Once the fig sorbet is churned, pipe in the lolly tins at 1/3, place the insert, the stick and pipe the sorbet to fill all the tin. Smooth the top and freeze to the core. Unmold and coat.

Our inspirations

Fruits inspire the greatest creatives! Discover these recipes from professionals and awaken your taste buds!

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