🥭 BehindTheFruit #1 - Andros Chef, professional fruit ingredients

🥭 BehindTheFruit #1

Alexis Beaufils shares with us his passion for…passion fruit!

This pastry chef created his tropical tendresse with our passion fruit purée. Since we’re curious by nature, we wanted to learn more and share his story. 

“When I was 9, I went to Guadeloupe with my grandparents for summer vacation. During a stroll through a local market, I had the chance to taste a passion fruit sorbet served in a coconut. That’s my first memory of passion fruit. 
Passion fruit has a particularity in that it brings energy and freshness at the same time. I use it often to bring out, for example, the flavour of mango or banana. 
With my tropical tendresse dessert, I wanted to  work around this childhood memory of encountering tropical fruit 20 years later.
My wish: To bring together the power of passion fruit with the roundness of mango and banana, and a burst of coconut.”

Alexis Beaufils

 Recipe available here 

Our inspirations

Fruits inspire the greatest creatives! Discover these recipes from professionals and awaken your taste buds!

Some more inspirations over here
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